I woke Luken up at 3 last night so I could give him his last drink before he couldn't have anything else. After he drank some apple juice and water, he went back to sleep. I didn't. I got up, peed, let the dog out, let the dog in, checked the weather, checked my email, watched some middle-of-the-night news, got a drink, went pee again, etc. Anything but sleep.
At 5 my alarm went off and I got up and ate breakfast. I got dressed and ot ready to go. I packed Luken's things. I went out and started my car in the snow. Then I came in and got Luken up and changed his diaper and put on his coat and slippers. We were ready to go.
Kara followed me into town. The roads were snowy and wet. Traffic was sparse and slow. It was hard to see with the snow coming down in the dark. I was stressed about driving in on the winter roads. All the way into town, Luken talked about the snow. It was cute and helped me calm down.
When we got to the hospital, we got Luken checked in. Then we were sent to wait in the main waiting room. After a bit, a pre-op nurse came and got us. We followed her into Luken's "stall" of the pre-post op day surgery area. We changed him out of him pj's and into a little hospital gown. At that point, I think he realized that we weren't just there for fun. He became at once hyper and clingy. Poor kid. He raised such a ruckus that the nurse took us to a play room for the remainder of the pre-op questions.

After all the questions, we met with the Anesthesiologist. He told us what would happen and answered our questions. He was kind and reassuring.
When the Anesthesiologist left, Luken was given an oral dose of versed to help him be calm and not afraid and to help him not remember. I was glad that he wasn't going to be afraid of Kara and me not being with him. The versed kicked in pretty quickly and when it did, Luken's eyelids kinda closed half-way and he thought that everything was funny. He was a hoot!

The nurse invited me to climb onto the bed with Luken so he wouldn't be afraid being wheeled through the hospital. He wasn't afraid at all. He laughed at every turn and kept saying, "Go, go, go!" How cute!
At the waiting room near the MRI place, we had to leave Luken with the nurse. I heard him laughing with her and was glad that he wasn't afraid. It was hard to leave him and walk away though.

The waiting room was stocked with coffee, fresh cinnamon rolls, and cookies from Great Harvest. Yummy! Kara and I hung out there for about an hour and a half. For me, the time went quickly. It didn't seem like long at all before the nurse came and told us to go back to the main waiting room to wait for them to take Luken to recovery.
There is a gift shop at the main waiting room. I poked around in there while we waited. After about 20 minutes, we were called back to the recovery room. Luken seemed so small on the bed. He had oxygen blowing at his face. He was sound asleep and hooked up to an IV and monitors. He slept like that for nearly an hour before he started to wake up. When he woke up, he was afraid so the nurse let me climb onto his bed again. I cuddled him as she wheeled us back to his "stall" in the pre/post-op area.

The post-op nurse brought Luken some juice and we hung out, giving his sips until he'd had enough for the nurse to feel comfortable taking his IV out. He didn't like that part at all.

After an hour in the post-op area, the nurse told us that we could get ready to go. Yay! We got Luken dressed and he sat on Kara's lap as the nurse pushed them in a wheel chair out to the front door.
I took Luken home to a day of naps and cuddling and Kara went to work. Luken seemed tired for the rest of the day. He went to bed early.
I am glad to have the MRI behind us. Luken did so well. I'm proud of him. He's such a cool little guy.