Today was shearing day.

We went to Suz's to "help.

The sheep weren't all that thrilled about these goings on but they weren't being hurt either.

There were lots of things to explore.

I wanted to chase the sheep but I decided they were kinda big and scary so I sat and watched them instead.

Getting up while trying to hold on to my pine cones is harder than you might think.

Whew, made it.

The sheep did not want to be sheared. It took 2 men and sometimes more to get each sheep onto the shearing boards. Sheep are strong!

There was so much to see and the rail on the gate was exactly the right height for me to chew on.

Whoa! Cool shadow!

Hey, I can touch it!

There is so much to see!

Mommy took time out to snuggle with me.

That entire pile of wool came from one sheep!

These sheep are waiting their turn.

These sheep have funny new haircuts.

I got tired and fussy so Mommy put me in here so I'd be safe while she worked.

They kept close watch to make sure I didn't climb out.

Playing in the water bucket was fun. It was pretty cold though.

This think was kinda cool.

Since I was already soaked from playing in the water bucket, Mommy let me have a drink out of the hose.

It was hard to drink without getting water up my nose.

I got so cold and wet that Mommy had to take me back to the truck to get my wet clothes off me. Luckily she brought a warm fuzzy coat that I could wear.

While I was running around, I fell down and my pine cone poked its stickers into my face. My mommy pulled the thorns out and wiped the blood away from where I bit my lip. It hurt and I cried but I'm okay now.

There were lots of these fun feed barrels.

I figured out that if I climbed into one, I could rock it back and forth.

Here is a pile of feed bags stuffed with freshly shorn wool. Each bag is labeled to indicate which sheep the wool came from.

Here is more, all lined up.

The wool will be cleaned and spun and died in Suz's studio or it will be sent away for processing.

All done. Time to ride home in the truck and have some food and a nap.