By now, you (my readers) know that my sweet little boy has Autism. He is making great strides in learning and communication. Luken never ceases to amaze me. He's scary smart and growing fast. He will start Kindergarten in the fall! Can you believe it?
Anyway, I've seen many cases where children with Autism flourish when they have use of an iPad. It helps them learn to communicate in ways that they couldn't before. It opens more doors of opportunity for these amazing kids. There is something about the iPad/user interface that does things that other tablets cannot. I want that for Luken.
I found a program at The Puzzling Piece that lets me earn an iPad for Luken. You can help. Please visit and click on the "products" tab at the top of the page. Then click on the "iPad Challenge Pieces" tab. From there, you can shop several different pieces of unique jewelry. If you order one, there will be a space under the picture of the piece for the challenger's name. That's where you type my name (Heidi Kestrel) so that I get credit for that sale and Luken gets one step closer to an iPad. When I get 60 sales from the "iPad Challenge Pieces", Luken will receive his iPad.
As of this morning, I had 4 sales to my credit. I have 56 more to go. So, please, if you'd like to sport a piece of Autism Awareness jewelry, consider buying it here. Not only will you be raising awareness, but you'll also be helping a little boy to have an iPad. And, if jewelry just isn't your thing, then please share this blog posting with your friends and co-workers. It really does take a village to raise a child today. You're part of my village. Part of Luken's village. This is something easy to do that will help a lot.
Thank you!
MOLLI Program
2 days ago