Kiss The Fiddler

Ramblings, moments of humor, random thoughts, experiences, insights, simple wisdom, and whatever else I feel like sharing.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Meet the Fockers

Oh, I mean Meet my Followers.

Let's see. Who do we have?

montanasnowbaby was a high school mate.

jmyetter was my priest.

Khourt is a friend from po.

Deidre is a friend from po.

The Angell Family is a gal pal.

Sarah is a friend from po.

Leigh Anne is a friend from po.

Kristina Buffham is my sister's nanny.

Larkin Bates is said sister.

Janice Driver is me mum.

Fran is a mate from grad school.

There ya go. My Fockers, eh, Followers.

tee hee. I have followers.



Anonymous said...

No fair! You have more followers than me and Ive been blogging for over a year lol. My old blog that I Dont even use anymore has more followers than my current blog that I write a lot on.. Guess I suck lol

Unknown said...

na, you don't suck. i read your blog every single time you update it.

i love blogging. i can just sorta say whatever i want to. it's great!


montanasnowbaby said...

I'm first. I rock. LOL
Your blog is awesome. I love reading it - and I love the picture.
I am glad you post on FB though, or I would never remember to go read it. So keep that up!!

Deidre said...

woot woot! YAY for the Fockers, errrr Followers!