wake to pager. ignore pager. wake to wife. kiss wife. ignore wife. wake to baby. haul ass outta bed. get baby up. change diaper. stick finger. make coffee. make breakfast. feed baby breakfast. start to clean kitchen. get baby down from breakfast. chase baby. remember to take meds. put dog outside. clean up spilled (dumped) dog water. look at living room in dismay. snip nails off baseboard. re-install 1 piece of baseboard. let dog in. read book to baby. let dog out. brush teeth. get baby dressed. brush baby's teeth. let dog in. clean up dog water. get dressed. look for keys. find keys. let dog out. find baby's shoes. get baby drink of water. load baby into car. drive to pharmacy. unload baby. talk to god at pharmacy. load baby into car. look for keys. drive to fire hall. unload baby. hand baby off to favorite firefighter. research and print car seat materials. chase baby. tidy fire hall. see guys off. chase baby. load baby into car. find keys. drive south to see fire. sing with baby in car. duck to miss flying baby shoes. find good fire watching spot. park. get baby out of car. take pictures of fire and air show. chase baby. load up. find keys. drive to DQ. order crap food. watch fire and air show whilst eating. clean sticky baby. find keys. drive sticky tired baby home. unload baby. chase escapee baby. trip on dog whilst entering house. clean and cuddle baby. chase dog out of nursery. put baby down for nap. clean up dog water. sit on bed and check emails. text wife. talk to wife. make an ass out of self whilst talking to wife. text wife. try to nap. get up to comfort crying baby. soothe baby back to sleep. kick cats out of nursery. resume "nap". greet wife as she comes in the door. check in with wife. decide to drive back down to fire. get way-laid on way to the highway. help jump start charlie's pick-up. drive to fire hall. help with red cards. drive home. change into fire clothes. get cameras. drive to fire hall. help guys get ready for shift at fire. talk on phone. find new fire shelter. find wildland pack. get water for guys. remember that i'm hungry. grab a handful of stale chips. eat a coupla. throw the rest away. grab a cold bottle of water. load guys' stuff into tom's truck. pile in. ride south to fire. joke about women, deer, fire, trucks, any other random thing we can think of. arrive at fire hall in hamilton. shuffle inside. find a spot in meeting room. listen to briefing. field random phone calls having to do with current fire situation. sit around. go get dinner at local grocery store. head up to staging area with guys in truck. eat gross potatoes on the way. forget about potatoes. watch dozer truck get stuck. watch dozer truck get unstuck. find staging area. watch huge planes fight fire. take pictures. watch huge helicopters fight fire. take more pictures. spot new smoke across the valley. look at new fire with field glasses. listen to second briefing. take more pictures. hang out. realize that i'm way too hungry. poke around staging area looking for food. give up. take more pictures. tease guys. eaves drop on radio como. use outback. take more pictures. see guys off on their shift. load truck. pile in. find old doughnut. eat half of it. toss the rest in trash. gross. ride down mountain to airport. talk to wife on phone. ride back to home base with guys. unload truck. check in with fire chief. find keys. give ron a ride home. drive home. take off boots. kiss baby. crawl into bed next to wife. check email. download pictures. talk about day. watch news. talk about my day. make plans for tomorrow. finally fall asleep.
MOLLI Program
2 days ago
Love it! Every detail. Man you get a lot of time away from Luken that I don't get away from Willow. I will try not to be jealous of Kara's willingness to parent alone after working all day.
But may be if I was a fire fighter things would be different, that is really important.
Our mornings are almost identical though, except for the pet part, and substitute driving for biking, or more commonly these days, pushing bike and cursing the weather!
Love ya!
I am tired just reading this. I should try it sometime. I am sure my list would NOT be as impressive as yours!
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