Kiss The Fiddler

Ramblings, moments of humor, random thoughts, experiences, insights, simple wisdom, and whatever else I feel like sharing.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's a bright witch's tit.

It's cold this morning.  
And where there's not fog,
The sun shines so brightly!
There are very few clouds
And this allows the temps to 

I love mornings like this
when I get to
sit on the couch
sipping my coffee,
under a down blanket
(and a coupla cats).

I'm lucky to have such
beautiful views, 
even when it's 
colder than a witch's tit. 

I had one of those,
A witch's tit.  
It was close to my armpit
And big enough to notice. 
Some people call
those silly things
a third nipple. 

I think witch's tit
is more fun. 

It got in my way, 
So, one evening, 
with the help of my sweet,
I sliced it off. 
One swift and sure cut
and gone.  
No more witches tit. 

Oh, my. 
Where did I go wrong?
Starting out  talking about
the beautiful day
and finding my way
to witch's tits.  

I need to get out more. 


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