Kiss The Fiddler

Ramblings, moments of humor, random thoughts, experiences, insights, simple wisdom, and whatever else I feel like sharing.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Kiss the Fiddler

Hey, did you know that I make soaps?  Yup, I do.  And it's fun.  They're really neat.  All sorts of different kinds.  I just know you want to buy some.  You can check them out HERE.

You can order by messaging me on the Kiss the Fiddler FB page.  If you use PayPal, I'll send you an invoice that way.  If you don't, we'll figure something else out.  All the profits go to a good cause - helping to support a family in need this week, and, uh, me and my family most of the rest of the time.  So, go shopping, y'all!


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