Kiss The Fiddler

Ramblings, moments of humor, random thoughts, experiences, insights, simple wisdom, and whatever else I feel like sharing.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Let's Go LadyGriz, Let's Go!

Before Luken was born, Kara and I went to lots of LadyGriz basketball games. We went to one last season but it was too loud for little Luken. Now he's older though and we've already been to 2 games! The LadyGriz won both the games we attended.

100_1287 by you.
We sit in the cheap seats behind the north basket.

100_1285 by you.
Luken goes right up to the railing and watches the band.

100_1283 by you.
He thinks the tubas ROCK!

100_1281 by you.
Granted, we don't see much of the game, but we sure have a great time!

100_1268 by you.

100_1266 by you.
Ok, so we mostly watch the band, but whatever, we're at the game, aren't we?

100_1278 by you.


Larkin Kavanaugh said...

keep asking me to go! i will go and not watch the game with you! mac had a blast!

Unknown said...

Sunday at 2.