five a m alarm
sweet wife gets up, gets ready
off she goes to work
i find sleep again
until my child wakes me up
get up, make coffee
coffee hot, creamy
hits the spot ev'ry time, ahh
caffeine hits blood stream
feed dog, get son dressed
breakfast - any ideas?
fruit, cereal, milk
mind numbing disney
keeps child busy while i clean
mush brain or fruit flies?
take meds, feel like crap
fibro, migraine, pure bull shit!
time to work outside
fizz is a clown dog
he sleeps in the garden shade
while i pick green beans
son runs past, bad fumes!
change poopy diaper - again
mom needs more caffeine
only ten a m
flat out, energy all gone
think i'm in trouble
phone rings, i answer
toy with telemarketer
brings smile to my face
thinking about food
grocery list: bread, eggs, fruit
quick trip - buy lunch too
pinch finger, yell "fuck!"
bleeding, it will turn black, blue
quick, put ice on it
sky filling with clouds
eyes scan for smoke in mountains
the air seems heavy
finally, nap time
child protests, cries, screams, yells, kicks
calm, quiet - please come soon
appointment at three
third birthday well child check-up
smart boy growing up!
to the fair we go
horses to ride, food to eat
animals to see
long day! we did lots
dirty, tired, home we come
welcome warm shower
colors clouded sky
sunset kissed the mountains high
quiet settles in
MOLLI Program
2 days ago
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