When Kara and I got together, she had a pair of Huskies. I liked them but from a distance. As our relationship grew, I learned to share my life with these 2 spirited K-9's. They destroyed the flowers in my yard. They slept at my feet. They took me for hikes. They taught me about unconditional love. Several years ago, we lost Giza to cancer. And last night, we lost Rhys.
Kara and I had been sleeping but we both heard it at the same moment. We knew what it was. The seizure started at 0138. Kara laid on the floor next to Rhys while I ran around getting a blanket, finding the phone, getting dressed, doing all the little things that seemingly needed to be done. I donned a glove and poked 5 mg of Valium inside Rhys's rectum in an attempt to make the seizure stop. I checked her pupils. They were blown. The seizure went on and on until stillness finally came at 0209. We smoothed her fur and wrapped her up in some soft flannel.
We woke Luken and talked to him about our good dog, Rhys and how she was dead. He simply said, "Rhys is all done being our dog." He asked to see her several times this morning before she was buried.
I'm sad and I will miss her. I'm glad I got to be one of her people.

Oh, I am sad, too. She was a good dog.
This is one of the saddest things I have ever read. I don't know how you guys survived that. What a long, awful night. :( Thank you for posting the picture. I have always thought you had gorgeous Huskies. Sorry for your loss!!!
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