Kiss The Fiddler

Ramblings, moments of humor, random thoughts, experiences, insights, simple wisdom, and whatever else I feel like sharing.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Truth

I am depressed. I am fat and swollen and ugh. I have no faith in my abilities to parent my dear child. I am in so far under my head. I am out of shape. I am depressed. I want to sleep and eat and sleep. It sucks.


Anonymous said...

You are an awesome mother. Never let your depression tell you otherwise. *hugs*

montanasnowbaby said...

I was thinking as I was looking at your pictures that you are CLEARLY still slimming down. You look great. Don't get down on yourself. (I know, we all do it. But for some reason I feel justified in doing that to myself, but it makes me sad when my friends do it. Weird.) Anyway, hang in there. Luken is a lucky boy.