Kiss The Fiddler

Ramblings, moments of humor, random thoughts, experiences, insights, simple wisdom, and whatever else I feel like sharing.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

one month down

Here's my one month 90 Day Body by Vi Challenge update. Start weight, 225 pounds. Current weight, 211 pounds. Inches lost: 1/4 from my neck, 1/2 inch from each upper arm, 1/4 inch from each wrist, 1 inch from upper chest, 2 inches from lower chest, 2 inches from waist, 1.5 inches from hips, 4 inches from each thigh, 1/4 inch from each ankle. Thank you, Body by Vi! 

It takes guts to put it a
ll out there like this. I'm proud of the work I'm doing to get healthy. I'm grateful to ViSalus for giving me the tools that I've needed to turn things around.

I'm not doing anything too special. ViShape shake for breakfast, snacks, ViShape shake for lunch, more snacks, sensible dinner. Not much working out at all. It's hot and I'm lazy and don't want to pop a migraine by getting too hot. So, mostly by sticking to the ViShape shakes twice a day. Yummy! 

If you're interested in beginning your own transformation, leave a comment and lemme know. 


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